import md5, os, osproc, parseopt2, strutils, parsecfg, streams, lapp, subexes # blimp is a little utility program for handling large files # in git repositories. Its inspired by git-fat and s3annex # but doesn't rely on S3 for storage, is a single binary without # need for Python, and has less features than git-fat. So far. # # Manual use: # # Use "blimp d mybigfile" to deflate it before commit. # Use "blimp i mybigfile" to inflate it back to original size. # # When deflated the file only has an md5sum string inside it. # # The file is copied over into: # /blimpStore/- # # Configuration is in these locations in order: # ./.blimp.conf # /.blimp.conf # ~/blimpstore/.blimp.conf # ~/.blimp.conf const versionMajor* = 0 versionMinor* = 2 versionPatch* = 1 versionAsString* = $versionMajor & "." & $versionMinor & "." & $versionPatch var blimpStore, remoteBlimpStore, uploadCommandFormat, downloadCommandFormat, deleteCommandFormat, rsyncPassword: string = nil verbose: bool let defaultConfig = """ [rsync] # Set this to your remote rsync daemon area remote = "" password = "some-good-rsync-password-for-blimpuser" # The following three formats should not need editing # $1 is filename, $2 is remote and $3 is the local blimpstore upload = "rsync --password-file $3/.blimp.pass -avzP $3/$1 $2/" download = "rsync --password-file $3/.blimp.pass -avzP $2/$1 $3/" # This deletes a single file from destination, that is already deleted in source delete = "rsync --password-file $3/.blimp.pass -dv --delete --existing --ignore-existing --include '$1' --exclude '*' $3/ $2" """ # Load a blimp.conf file proc parseConfFile(filename: string) = var f = newFileStream(filename, fmRead) if f != nil: if verbose: echo "Reading config: " & filename var p: CfgParser open(p, f, filename) while true: var e = next(p) case e.kind of cfgEof: break of cfgSectionStart: continue # Ignore of cfgKeyValuePair: case e.key of "blimpstore": if blimpStore.isNil: blimpStore = e.value of "remote": if remoteBlimpStore.isNil: remoteBlimpStore = e.value of "password": if rsyncPassword.isNil: rsyncPassword = e.value of "upload": if uploadCommandFormat.isNil: uploadCommandFormat = e.value of "download": if downloadCommandFormat.isNil: downloadCommandFormat = e.value of "delete": if deleteCommandFormat.isNil: deleteCommandFormat = e.value else: quit("Unknown configuration: " & e.key) of cfgOption: quit("Unknown configuration: " & e.key) of cfgError: quit("Parsing " & filename & ": " & e.msg) close(p) # Trivial helper to enable verbose proc run(cmd: string): auto = if verbose: echo(cmd) execCmd(cmd) # Every rsync command, make sure we have a password file proc rsyncRun(cmd: string): auto = writeFile(blimpStore / ".blimp.pass", rsyncPassword) if execCmd("chmod 600 " & blimpStore / ".blimp.pass") != 0: quit("Failed to chmod 600 " & blimpStore / ".blimp.pass") run(cmd) # Upload a file to the remote master blimpStore proc uploadFile(blimpFilename: string) = if remoteBlimpStore.isNil: echo("Remote blimpstore not set in configuration file, skipping uploading content:\n\t" & blimpFilename) return let errorCode = rsyncRun(format(uploadCommandFormat, blimpFilename, remoteBlimpStore, blimpStore)) if errorCode != 0: quit("Something went wrong uploading " & blimpFilename & " to " & remoteBlimpStore, 2) # Download a file to the remote master blimpStore proc downloadFile(blimpFilename: string) = if remoteBlimpStore.isNil: quit("Remote blimpstore not set in configuration file, can not download content:\n\t" & blimpFilename) let errorCode = rsyncRun(format(downloadCommandFormat, blimpFilename, remoteBlimpStore, blimpStore)) if errorCode != 0: quit("Something went wrong downloading " & blimpFilename & " from " & remoteBlimpStore, 3) # Delete a file from the remote master blimpStore proc remoteDeleteFile(blimpFilename: string) = if remoteBlimpStore.isNil: return let errorCode = rsyncRun(format(deleteCommandFormat, blimpFilename, remoteBlimpStore, blimpStore)) if errorCode != 0: quit("Something went wrong deleting " & blimpFilename & " from " & remoteBlimpStore, 3) # Copy content to blimpStore, no upload yet. proc copyToBlimpStore(filename, blimpFilename: string) = if not existsFile(blimpStore / blimpFilename): copyFile(filename, blimpStore / blimpFilename) uploadFile(blimpFilename) # Copy content from blimpStore, and downloading first if needed proc copyFromBlimpStore(blimpFilename, filename: string) = if not existsFile(blimpStore / blimpFilename): downloadFile(blimpFilename) copyFile(blimpStore / blimpFilename, filename) # Delete from blimpStore and remote. proc deleteFromBlimpStore(blimpFilename, filename: string) = if existsFile(blimpStore / blimpFilename): removeFile(blimpStore / blimpFilename) remoteDeleteFile(blimpFilename) # Pick out blimpFilename (filename & "-" & hash) proc blimpFileName(filename: string): string= var hashfile: File if not open(hashfile, filename): quit("Failed opening file: " & filename, 4) let hashline = split(string(readLine(hashfile)), {':'}) if hashline[0] == "hash": result = hashline[1] else: result = nil # Get hash and compute blimpFilename proc computeBlimpFilename(filename: string): string = var content: string try: content = readFile(filename) except: quit("Failed opening file: " & filename, 1) let hash = getMD5(content) result = filename & "-" & hash # Copy original file to blimpStore and replace with hash stub in git. proc deflate(filename: string) = if verbose: echo "Deflating " & filename var blimpFilename = blimpFilename(filename) if not blimpFilename.isNil: echo("\t" & filename & " is already deflated, skipping.") else: blimpFilename = computeBlimpFilename(filename) copyToBlimpStore(filename, blimpFilename) writeFile(filename, "hash:" & blimpFilename) if verbose: echo("\t" & filename & " deflated.") proc isInBlimpStore(filename: string): bool = let blimpFilename = blimpFilename(filename) if not blimpFilename.isNil: return true # Parse out hash from hash stub and copy back original content from blimpStore. proc inflate(filename: string) = if verbose: echo "Inflating " & filename let blimpFilename = blimpFilename(filename) if blimpFilename.isNil: echo("\t" & filename & " is not deflated, skipping.") else: copyFromBlimpStore(blimpfilename, filename) if verbose: echo("\t" & filename & " inflated.") # Inflates file first (if deflated) and then removes current content for it, # both locally and in remote. proc remove(filename: string) = var blimpFilename = blimpFilename(filename) if not blimpFilename.isNil: copyFromBlimpStore(blimpfilename, filename) else: blimpFilename = computeBlimpFilename(filename) deleteFromBlimpStore(blimpfilename, filename) echo("\t" & filename & " content removed from blimpstore locally and remotely.") # Find git root dir or nil proc gitRoot(): string = try: let tup = execCmdEx("git rev-parse --show-toplevel") if tup[1] == 0: result = strip(tup[0]) else: result = nil except: result = nil proc setupBlimpStore() = try: if not existsDir(blimpStore): createDir(blimpStore) except: quit("Could not create " & blimpStore & " directory.", 1) try: if not existsFile(blimpStore / ".blimp.conf"): writeFile(blimpStore / ".blimp.conf", defaultConfig) except: quit("Could not create .blimp.conf config file in " & blimpStore & " directory.", 1) proc dumpConfig() = echo "\nDump of configuration:" echo "\tblimpStore: " & blimpStore echo "\tremoteBlimpStore: " & remoteBlimpStore echo "\tuploadCommandFormat: " & uploadCommandFormat echo "\tdownloadCommandFormat: " & downloadCommandFormat echo "\tdeleteCommandFormat: " & deleteCommandFormat echo "\trsyncPassword: " & rsyncPassword echo "\n" let help = """ blimp [options] -h,--help Show this --version Show version of blimp -v,--verbose Verbosity (string) (d)eflate, (i)nflate, remove (string...) One or more filepaths to inflate/deflate Edit ~/blimpstore/.blimp.conf or /.blimp.conf and set a proper remote and the proper rsync password to use. Deflate is run before you add the big file to the index for committing. Deflate will replace the file contents with a hash, and copy the real content to your local blimpstore, and if configured also upload it to remote, using rsync. Inflate will bring back the original content by copying from your local blimpstore, and if its not there, first downloading from the remote. Use this whenever you need to work/edit the big file - in order to get its real content. Remove (no single character shortcut) will remove the file(s) content both from the local blimpstore and from the remote. This only removes the current content version, not older versions. The file itself is first inflated, if needed, and not deleted. This only "unblimps" the file. """ ################################ main ##################################### # Using lapp to get args, on parsing failure this will show usage automatically var args = parse(help) verbose = args["verbose"].asBool # Parse configuration files, may shadow and override each other parseConfFile(getCurrentDir() / ".blimp.conf") if not gitRoot().isNil: parseConfFile(gitRoot() / ".blimp.conf") # If we haven't gotten a blimpstore yet, we set a default one if blimpStore.isNil: blimpStore = getHomeDir() / "blimpstore" if existsDir(blimpStore): parseConfFile(blimpStore / ".blimp.conf") parseConfFile(getHomeDir() / ".blimp.conf") if verbose: dumpConfig() # These two are special, they short out if args.showHelp: quit(help) if args.showVersion: quit("blimp version: " & versionAsString) let command = args["command"].asString let filenames = args["filenames"].asSeq # Make sure the local blimpstore is setup. setupBlimpStore() # Do the deed if command == "d" or command == "deflate": for fn in filenames: deflate(fn.asString) elif command == "i" or command == "inflate": for fn in filenames: inflate(fn.asString) elif command == "remove": for fn in filenames: remove(fn.asString) else: quit("Unknown command, only (d)eflate or (i)inflate are valid.", 6) # All good quit(0)